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Chairman Duane Giannini called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.  
Present: Brian Budd, Bruce Walczak, Keith Jacobs and Chairman Duane Giannini
Absent: James Viadero
Also Present: Police Chief Michael Kehoe, Captain Jose Rios, Lt. George Sinko, Union President Andy Stinson, Officer Colin Richter, 1 member of the press and 1 member of the public.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: James Walsh, 3 North Branch Road, told police commissioners that he met with School Transportation Director Anthony DiLonardo this past Thursday to discuss the concerns residents of North Branch and Key Rock Road had. Mr. Walsh said he simply request changing the direction of the bus route from South to North on Key Rock Road so his children wouldn’t have to cross the road to get the bus in a spot which he considers very dangerous. He noted that Mr. DiLonardo went over the Bus Route with him and explained that change would create several children having to cross Route 302 to get the bus. Mr. Walsh said he understood Mr. DiLonardo’s dilemma and agreed that the children should not cross Route 302 in that spot. He reasoned that the cars travel on Key Rock Road at 40 mph but emphasized that cars on Route 302 are traveling at about 60 mph which is far more dangerous.  Mr. Walsh explained that Mr. DiLonardo was culminating as director on June 30, 2010 and that the position was not going to be filled after his departure. He noted that the end of the 120-day calming period was approaching and thanked the department and the commission for all their assistance. According to Mr. Walsh, Mr. DiLonardo offered to write a letter; come down if necessary to a Police Commission meeting; suggested the children waiting at the intersection of Key Rock Road and North Branch Road wait 50 feet back on North Branch Road for the bus; and suggested there be solar powered School Bus signs with LED lights posted and/or a yellow line on the road. Mr. Walsh concluded by telling commissioners that he found Mr. DiLonardo to be a nice considerate man - contrary to what he first thought, and added that the Transportation Director had a tough job.

CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES AND ADDENDUM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, April 6, 2010: Commissioner Budd moved to accept the minutes from the police commission’s regular meeting Tuesday, April 6, 2010, as corrected. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.
Corrections – Chairman Giannini offered the two following corrections: Page 6, fourth line down, change word “was” to “were”; and, Page 6, 20th line down, the phrase “How is it currently being provided?” should read “To what extent is it currently being provided?

CHIEF’S REPORT: Budget - Chief Kehoe told Commissioners that the Monthly Police Overtime for April 2010 had “spiked” due to several major cases which had come forth. He said the department was at about 70% of their budget but added that he was confident the department would make it through the year. Line Item Budget Reports - the Chief noted there was nothing remarkable. In regards to the GL Account Balances Chief Kehoe noted that the department used monies from Asset Forfeiture accounts to pay for K-9 Baro’s expenses, but that money is dwindling to nothing, and added that they could be out of money in anywhere from 4 to 10 months. The Chief noted that the useful life of the K-9 is limited and the cost of the transition to a new dog is significant. According to Chief Kehoe, in the past the department used monies from a Statewide Narcotics Task Force fund stipend in a GL account, but now that money is going back into the General Fund to offset the cost of having an officer in the Task Force. The chief noted that the department also used the funds for DARE programs, but now they have to budget that. He noted that the funds today are written from a grant under the re-investment act and the way the grant was written the money has to be used for narcotics investigations. Both Chairman Giannini and Commissioner Budd emphasized that there should be a change.
Chief Kehoe agreed noted that the K-9 costs between $3,000 and $8,000 a year for food, vet bills, etc.
Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Update - Chief Kehoe reported that the Legislative Council cut one officer’s salary as part of the referendum being defeated.
Fleet - The Chief reported that the three cars were delivered. He told them the Sergeant’s car, Car #2, is being prepped and noted that the old Car #2 has a blown engine. Commissioner Walczak suggested that the department start leasing vehicles. Chief Kehoe noted that a “robust discussion” was started about that this year. Commissioner Giannini added that at one point all the experts in leasing said it was cost prohibitive.  As an example, he told of a department that got so far behind they had to bond and emphasized Newtown that doesn’t want to get to that. Personnel Report – the Chief Kehoe told commissioners they had a copy of the personnel report in their packets from Sgt. Wisentaner and the Training Report – from Lt. Mooney in .
Letters of Gratitude – The Chief said the department received several letters of gratitude for the following: Officers Flynn and Figol, Officer Stinson and K-9 Baro, Detective Frank and Officer Seabrook.
Correspondences – Chief Kehoe reported that he had received a copy of Mr. Walsh’s letter to Mr. DiLonardo as well as two he received last week – an update from Ron Wilcox, President of the Cedarhurst Association, Inc., and a copy of a letter the State Department of Transportation sent to the Director of the Housatonic Valley Council of Elected Officials regarding the Federal Fiscal Year Local Road Accident Reduction Program. The chief noted that Sgt. Costello is meeting with the Cedarhurst Association.
Awards and Decorations Committee – as he did at last month’s meeting, Chief Kehoe invited commissioners to attend the Awards and Decorations Ceremony to be held in the Alexandria Room at Edmond Town Hall Thursday, May 20, 2010 at 5:30 pm.
Department Project Updates - Radio Enhancement – Chief Kehoe reported the department is looking at getting the equipment in within the next couple of months.  
Chief’s Goals Update – The Chief reported to commissioners that they had done a power point draft regarding Space Needs. He told the Board that the Go Live for the CAD/RMS was successful and said that the Accident Form and upgrade to Version 9.0 are next. Regarding, Accreditation, Chief Kehoe noted that a report is in their packets. The chief said that research is being done on Management/Labor Relations as he speaks. Chairman Giannini suggested another survey tool more powerful than Survey Monkey and cheaper, but said he couldn’t remember the name.
Update on Investigations in April, 2010 – Chief Kehoe said that the department was actively involved in a couple of investigations, but noted that was all he could say at this time.
Newtown Rotary Club Presentation – The Chief said he spoke at the Rotary Club this past week and will also speak at the Lion’s Club Wednesday, May 26, 2010. He added that the Department’s Station Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 26, 2010. Chief Kehoe informed commissioners that an item that was not on his report, but was in their packets, was a copy of the UCR crime index report.

CAPTAIN’S REPORT:  Captain Rios commenced his report but telling the Police Commission that he had added more data to his report so the commission can decide what they would like to see from here forward.
Written Monthly Motor Vehicle Enforcement Reports – Captain Rios reported that the motor vehicle activity, for April 2010, and the DUI activity.
Written Incident Analysis Report - April 2010 – the Captain told commissioners with the new MSP System they can compile reports by the incidents and number of incidents. He told the Board they had a copy of the report in their packets.
Written Monthly Traffic Enforcement Unit Report - April 2010 -– Sgt. Vanghele’s report – Captain Rios said that the report was in the commissioner’s packets and Officer Kullgren was doing phenomenal job with the software.  Written Monthly Detective Division Report – April 2010 - the Captain informed the Commission that this was Det. Sgt Coles last report before he went back to May 1, 2010. He added that last month was very busy.
MADD Awards – 2009 – Captain Rios said that following members of the department had their names submitted to MADD: Officers McGowan, Woods, Pisani, and Penna; and, Sgt. Wisentaner.
Captain Rios announced the department was stepping up enforcement against Distracted Drivers. He said that motorists were flaunting laws by texting and using their cell phones while they are driving. The Captain added that the department plans to give motorists warning before they begin doing stepped-up enforcement in school zones, etc.  

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Discussion and consideration on Strategic Goals and Objectives for the Police Commission – Commissioners agreed that they had net met yet with their various sub-committees due to scheduling conflicts, etc., but planned to meet before next month’s meeting.
Chairman Giannini asked that the projects be listed on the agenda for next month. The projects are as follows: Redesign of the monthly report package – Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini; Changes to Police Services roll regarding the Animal Control Officer – Commissioners Budd and Viadero; Crosswalk Safety Plan – Commissioner Walczak and Chairman Giannini; and, Employee Relations – Commissioners Jacobs and Viadero.

Discussion and possible action on possible speed information signs at town lines (Crosswalk Safety Sub-committee) – Chairman Giannini asked if anyone had any suggestions and then noted that since the Crosswalk Safety Sub-committee had not met, they should address the matter at next month’s meeting.

Discussion, review and possible action on the Traffic control matters relating to Newtown Youth Academy and Newtown roadways leading to Newtown Youth Academy – According to Chief Kehoe, Officer Kullgren had a presentation for the commission which would help them better understand the issues and the location of the new signage which the Fairfield Hills Authority planned to post throughout the grounds.
Signage - The Chief displayed a large poster board detailing the signs and their locations and handed out a note book with color images to further exemplify the report.  Officer Kullgren projected an image on the far wall of an aerial view of the grounds.
Chief Kehoe said that the idea is that when people come in they know where they’re going to go and be given the best route. He noted that one idea was to place the signs across the street from the stop sign and stop line so when motorists came to a stop they could safely read the sign to see where they needed to go.
Commissioner Walczak suggested taking the Fairfield Hills logo off the signs and making them color specific. Commissioner Budd disagreed and said he thinks the motto and theme would be applicable, but did suggested an exit sign be put on top of the main signs so people knew the best route out.
Commissioner Walczak said he would like to see mock-up sign.
Commissioner Giannini said he thought the location was adequate, but questioned whether the readability and size is an issue.
Chief Kehoe said he would like to move quickly on the matter.
Traffic Flow – According to the Chief, the department recommends people going to the Youth Academy take be directed towards Simpson Street away from the more travelled DG Beers Boulevard. He noted that a traffic counter revealed that 1500 vehicles travelled in an out on DJ Beers per day while 230 travelled in and out on Simpson Street.
According to Officer Kullgren, there was a request made the Fairfield Hills Authority to look into a One Way option, but the department didn’t recommend it for the following reasons: they found no benefit; it would cause big inconvenience; people would be diverted into direction they don’t want to go causing them to drive faster; and, new tenants might not move in if it’s inconvenient for their client to get to
Speed Limits – According to a source, Chief Kehoe noted. The Town has to reapply for Speed Limit Signs since they took the property over from the State. The Chief added that currently the posted speed limits that are in use have not been STC approved.
Chairman Giannini recalled that the Police Commission put in a request for the posted speed limit signs on February 27, 2010 and added that DG Beers Boulevard is posted at 20 mph.
Officer Kullgren noted that STC approval would take 4 to 6 months.
Parking – Officer Kullgren noted that possibly a bigger issue had to do with cars parking perpendicular on DG Beers Boulevard and Simpson Street. To better convey his point, he projected images of a simulation of a car backing out of a parking spot. Officer Beers noted that during their observations this was the biggest violation. He added that 85% of people are traveling at a safe speed, but the person backing is in violation for unsafe backing. According to Officer Kullgren, the department’s recommendation is to step back parking further into the lawn like at Edmond Town hall to give the motorist space to back out and merge into traffic.
Officer Kullgren noted that when he looked up the accident history at Fairfield Hills there were no accidents related to backing up.
Lack of Sidewalks - Captain Rios added that anther safety issue at Fairfield Hills is the lack of sidewalks causing pedestrians to be walking on the busy roadways.

After a brief discussion, Commissioner Jacobs suggested the Police Commission take a field trip up to Fairfield Hills’ campus to see the situation first hand.
Chairman Giannini agreed that a field trip was a good idea. He said the commissioners all seem to have an issue with the head-in (perpendicular) parking and said he will try to get an email out with a date to meet at Fairfield Hills and discuss the issues.

Discussion and action on leave of absence request from Patrol Officer Colin Richter – Chairman Giannini asked Officer Richter to sit upfront to discuss his decision and asked him if he understood the ramifications of taking a leave of absence such as this. Officer Richter said that he did.
The Chairman told the Officer that if the Police Commission approves his request there is no guarantee of a position on the way back in.
 Chief Kehoe said the reduction of the money for the position that was approved by the Legislative Council; but he was quick to note that the referendum hasn’t been passed. He added that is if the referendum passes with the reduction in their budget and comes out of personnel line item and if Officer Richter wants to come back in a year.
Commissioner Walczak said that was not his understanding. He said that at the Special Legislative Council meeting the First Selectman Pat Llodra offered to reduce the salary and benefits if police granted the leave of absence, but if the commission didn’t grant the leave than the Board of Selectmen would cover that money. Mr. Walczak added that it was not her intention to put the burden of money on the Police Commission. He noted that in essence she said the money would still be there.
Chairman Giannini again addressed Officer Richter stating the requirements of his leave of absence. The Chairman told the Officer Richter that on May 7, 2011 – 60 days prior to one year from now - he needs to let the Chief know his decision. Chairman Giannini added that if the position is not available he must go on a waiting list.
Officer Richter said he was “well aware.”
Chairman Giannini asked him to make sure he fills out an exit interview form and if he feels uncomfortable he can send it to him personally or any of the commissioners. The chairman told Officer Richter he was disappointed to see him leave but understands the opportunities in a larger force.
Commissioner Walczak made the motion to accept Officer Colin Richter’s long term leave of absence effective May 7, 2010. Commissioner Jacobs second and the motion was unanimously carried.
At this time 8:52pm, Officer Richter, Union President Stinson, and the press left the meeting.
Commissioners discussed their concerns that the by authorizing the long term leave of absence they would be sacrificing a position permanently.
Chairman Giannini said he wants to make sure the “head count” isn’t being cut and that all the department needs to do is go back for the funding should Officer Richter return or the position should need to be filled. The Chairman concluded by noting that he would get a letter drafted and would call the First Selectman to tell her he is drafting a letter regarding the “head count” issue. He added that the “head count” is a source of pride.

COMMISSIONER’S DISCUSSION AND PARTICIPATION:  Commissioners addressed the progress with the signage at Carluzzi’s, Turkey Trot Race and a Letter from Joann Marcinek regarding Honey and Nutmeg Lane.
Carluzzi’s - The Chief noted that everything (the signage) on the property was correct. Commissioner Walczak and the Chief sketched out the property on a chalk board to review the current location of the signs and discussed with the other commissioners what could possibly be done to improve things even more.
Turkey Trot Race – Commissioners discussed the path of the race but expressed some concerns about the safety.
Honey & Nutmeg Lane  - Chief Kehoe said he had received a letter from Joann Marcinek who spoke for all the residents on Honey and Nutmeg Lane asking for the Town to put their roads on fast track for repairs - repaving and drainage. The Chief noted that the letter states that the residents endorsed and sent a petition to the Legislative Council in March 2010 and claims the conditions of the roads present a threat to the safety of the resident particularly the children.
Commissioners believed the matter should be sent to the Board of Selectman and/or Public Works since it concerns the conditions of roads as the underlying problem.

EXECUTIVE SESSION (if necessary):  none
ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING:  Commissioner Budd moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:17 pm. Commissioner Jacobs seconded and the motion was unanimously carried.

Ted Swigart, Clerk

*These minutes are not finalized until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.